Our Mission

Changing lives through recruiting with conviction(s)

Our Values

  • Expectant hope – we believe in the change we want to see
  • Resilience – we stay the distance
  • Relationship-led – we focus on people not programmes
  • Collaboration – we thrive through supporting each other in team and by partnership
  • Christian values – compassion in action, integrity, second chances, faith

Our Team

Beverley Brooks
Beverley BrooksFounder
Beverley Brooks is a former business owner and senior recruitment manager with over 20 years’ experience in the sector. She spent the past 15 years designing and running ex-offender employability programmes in Newcastle and London. In the corporate world between 2001 – 2010, she founded and ran an international IT recruitment business, exiting after a management buy-in when it had reached a turnover of £10 million. Beverley is passionate about seeing people fully move into their purpose, through finding fulfilling work where they can add real value.
Cameron Mann
Cameron MannChair
Cameron Mann is a former Chief Inspector with 20 years’ experience of operational and specialist roles at Northumbria Police, followed by 7 years at the Home Office where he managed a variety of national and international projects. Cameron continues to work with European law enforcement agencies, governments and academic institutions as an adviser and researcher and is an Advisory Board member at the International Security & Emergency Management Institute. Cameron has worked for several years as a volunteer, establishing and leading job clubs where he has supported many people with convictions on their journey into employment.

Our Board

Complementing the niche recruitment expertise of its Director, the board of The Recruitment Junction brings together specialists from each segment of the criminal justice and recruitment sectors: Colin Fozzard, former Prison Outreach Worker and Employability Skills Trainer, Margaret Lawson, retired Partner of a local law firm and volunteer ex-offender Job Coach and Mark Simpson, the Executive Director of Nigel Wright Recruitment Group, who previously trained as an engineer and undertook operational roles in industry.

Our Funders and Commissioners

We are grateful for the support of over 70 grants and foundations and commissioners, including National Lottery Community Fund, Henry Smith Charity, Lloyds Bank Foundation, Garfield Weston, EQ Foundation and City & Guilds.

PCC Northumbria Violence Reduction Partnership
Department for Work & Pensions
Ministry of Justice
HM Prison & Probation Service
Newcastle City Council
Newcastle City Council
National Lottery Community Fund